As our society is becoming globalized, the International Students Center at USW connects students from diverse cultures for fulfilling our mission, values, and philosophy. We strongly believe in helping our students to become well acclimated to USW and its community so that they can succeed in the future. As communication and feedback are essential building blocks to success, we encourage students to proactively participate in the various academic and social programs, events, and activities for enhancing cultural diversity. We welcome anyone who wishes to voice their beliefs, thoughts, and concerns for further embracing cultural diversity and to help promote inclusiveness within our community.
Remember, we are here to support all of you academically and personally throughout your years at USW. Always feel free to stop by our office as we welcome you with open arms!
Yang Woon Chung
우리 사회가 국제화 세계화됨에 따라, 수원대학교의 외국인유학생 지원센터는 대학의 임무, 가치, 철학을 성취하기 위해 다양한 문화의 학생들을 교육하고 있습니다. 외국인유학생지원센터에서는 학생들이 수원대학교와 그 공동체에 잘 적응할수 있도록 도와주며 외국인학생들이 문화적 다양성을 증진시키기 위해 학문적, 사회적프로그램, 행사, 활동에 적극적으로 참여하도록 격려하고, 우리대학의 국제화 역량을 강화하기 위해 설립되었습니다.
유학생 지원센터장