International exchange program


SUBA Group photo

SUBA stands for "University of Suwon Buddy Assistant", which is a one-to-one mentor and mentee for foreign students and exchange students who enrolls in the school every semester. It provides practical help for foreign students living in Korea, It is a program that provides opportunities for exchange of culture between Suwon university students and foreign students. Even if you do not have a lot of foreign language skills, you can become a member of SUBA if you are a student who sincerely likes foreign students, and who is willing to help them with your sincerity and want to exchange culture with foreign students. In addition, you will be awarded 2 credits of service credits if you do SUBA, and you can get a certificate if you have done SUBA activities. If you want to learn a foreign culture or want to interact with foreign friends, become a member of SUBA!


  • Students who are interested in exchanges with foreigners
  • Students who are able to work hard continuously
  • Students who are interested in an exchange program or double degree program of foreign universities

Major Activities

  • Participation in international partnership events with your foreing mentee (orientation, M.T., athletic events, Korean Speech Contest, entertainment events, SUBA final reporting meeting)
  • Guidance on portal systems and campus information such as issuing student ID cards for foreign exchange students (Guidance of various welfare facilities, colleges, and departments, etc.)
  • Helping visitation of Immigration Office (Alien registration and issuance of alien registration certificate)
  • Guidance of phone activation and internet use
  • Helping to create bank account
  • Information on convenience facilities (public transportation, transportation cards, major attractions such as hospitals, restaurants, and marts)
  • Activities outside of Suwon University (Gyeongbokgung tour, Everland Folk Village)
  • Language exchange (enhancement of Korean language ability of mentee)
  • Union of mentors and mentees through small group activities


  • A total of 60 hours of activities required (recognizing up to 8 hours per day)
  • Activity time is acknowledged through attendance check and report written on portal system. Report creation required
  • Sub-group report required. Approved when both interim report and final report are submitted. (Mentors submit activity reports and final reports, and mentees submit final reports.)

Attend matching orientation of International Students and SUBA students.
Attend the final reporting meeting.
Attend Korean language class more than 5 times.
Participate in SUBA big events more than 3 times (MT, festival, athletic events, party, culture day, speech contest, entertainment events, etc.) * Big events can change every semester.
Attend small group meetings
Activity Fee: KRW 10,000 (There may be a separate activity fee for MT and other group events.)
Submit a proposal of small group experience activity and results report.

Recruitment schedule

from at the end of semesters during vacation period

How to apply

* Online application: Portal system login after accessing school website - Comprehensive information system - Student support - International cooperation - Application for foreign aid


  • Students will be able to apply for credit in the next semester after SUBA activity, so students in the second semester of the fourth year (his/ her last semester at Suwon University) will not be granted credit. (Only certificates are issued.)
  • Students who have previously completed SUBA & KOICA activities and have earned credits are not allowed to earn credits again.
  • Transition of credits to other semester is not available.(원칙적으로 활동한 학기 다음 학기에 수강신청을 하도록 한다. 다음 학기에 개인사정으로 인한 그 다음 학기나 본인이 선택할 수 있는 학기에는 이월이 불가하다.)
  • Credit recognition subject is subject to change. So you must check again when you enroll in the next semester.
  • Students who take a leave of absence or are selected as exchange students in the next semester of SUBA activity will not be granted credit, but will be issued a certificate.

Transition of credits to other semester is not available

(원칙적으로 활동한 학기 다음 학기에 수강신청을 하도록 한다. 다음 학기에 개인사정으로 인한 그 다음 학기나 본인이 선택할 수 있는 학기에는 이월이 불가하다.)